With military background, Prabowo justifies that turning to soldiers to help run large programs is effective, as according to him army follows a strong chain of command and that rules are in place to prevent military repression. The peoples are assured that there is no question of a return to the New Order of the Suharto era. Be that as it may, the
respondents considered China
Private consumption also made a modest contribution to economic growth in 2024. Taiwanese consumers’ lack of threat perception might explain the limited impact of China’s military threats on private consumption. According to the Institute for National Defense and Security Research, 62 per cent of respondents considered China unlikely to invade
factor behind this increase
The strong increase in the long-term yields on US Treasuries most likely mirrors a steep increase in individual time preferences. A key factor behind this increase is reckless Fed and government monetary policies that have severely damaged the process of savings formation. Contrary to mainstream thought, market interest rates are determined by chan
apparent setbacks suffered
In the case of Russian PMCs, despite the apparent setbacks suffered by Russian mercenaries both at home and abroad, there is every reason to believe that the industry will neither weaken nor disappear even if the war in Ukraine ends (ICoCA, April 11, 2024). Russian society has been experiencing an uncontrollable (para)militarization, with the state
suggests that even China-dependent
Pakistan’s reluctance to host Chinese PSCs suggests that even China-dependent countries are not proactive in welcoming Chinese paramilitaries on their soil, despite Islamabad’s strategic and overarching economic dependency on China and the building of the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) (see Guardians of the Belt and Road, February 23